3.4 Laws and Regulations
The course is dealing with maintenance related European legislation and its implementation; mainly health and safety at work legislation, for the use of equipment and facilities and for the design and construction of machinery.
Learning Outcome
Employers need to know how they can make their workplaces safer; workers need to be aware of the risks they face, and know how to manage them. The reader, after successfully completing this course, will know about:
- Existing European Community legislation relevant to safety and health at work and more specifically in maintenance related operations.
- Occupational safety and health; about preventing people from being harmed or made ill through work, the disciplines concerned with preserving and protecting human and other resources in the workplace.
- Theory and methodology about safety risk assessment in industrial maintenance.
- Occupational risks in industrial maintenance
Prerequisites / Related Topics:
Pre-requisites: None
Related Topics:
1.1. Maintenance involvement in design, procurement and operation of assets
1.2. Preventive and inspection activities
1.3. Repair techniques and methods
1.5. Work execution
European legislation, OSH (Occupational Safety and Health), Risk assessment, Maintenance